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Easy Chord Progressions for Piano
Easy Chord Progressions for Piano: Simple Patterns for a Pro Sound Easy Chord Progressions for Piano can open the door to quick, confidence-boosting victories on an instrument that often demands serious dedication. Whether you are just starting out or you’ve been playing for a while, integrating these easy chord progressions for piano into your practice…
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Transposing Music on Piano: A Real-World Skill Every Pianist Needs
Transposing Music on Piano: How to Change Key Like a Real Musician By Tom Donald – London Contemporary School of Piano Let’s be honest. Most people learn to play a song in one key — and stop there. But transposing music on piano is the skill that separates the note-pressers from the true musicians. And…
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3 Powerful Ways To Improve Piano Sightreading
3 Powerful Strategies to Improve Piano Sightreading. Hello, I'm Tom Donald from the London Contemporary School of Piano and today we are going to talk about how to improve piano sightreading. Today, we're going to tackle a topic that many pianists love to hate: sight reading. No matter where you currently stand with your…
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Unlock Left Right Hand Coordination on piano with these power
Unlock Left Right Hand Coordination on Piano with these 5 songs and power practice methods By Brian Hughes Welcome to an in-depth exploration of left right hand coordination on piano. As a pianist and drummer, I've discovered unique methods to enhance rhythm and coordination, helping you groove better and play more confidently. Whether…
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Diminished Chords On The Piano
Discover and Unleash Diminished Chords on the Piano: The 4 note “Devil's Chord” and how to use it. By Tom Donald, Founder of the London Contemporary School of Piano Introduction Diminished chords have long been shrouded in mystery and intrigue, often referred to as the "Devil's Chord" due to their dissonant and unsettling…
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How to Play Bohemian Rhapsody Chords. A revolutionary song in
How to Play Bohemian Rhapsody. A Revolutionary Song Broken into 6 sections Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen is one of the most iconic rock songs of all time, featuring a unique structure, complex harmonies, and genre-defying sections. In this comprehensive chord analysis, we’ll break down each section of the song, focusing on the chord…
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Understanding the Musical Layers of Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On”
Understanding the Musical Layers of Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On By Manu Hasan Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well. Recently, I've been spending time analysing Marvin Gaye's iconic album "What's Going On", and I wanted to share some insights from our latest music seminar. Marvin Gaye's masterpiece is more than just a collection…
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Bridging the Gap Between Piano and Guitar
Bridging the Gap Between Piano and Guitar with the Power of Music Theory Introduction Have you ever wondered how the piano and guitar relate to each other? While they may seem like completely different instruments—one with keys and the other with strings—they share more similarities than you might think. Understanding these connections can not…
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How to Play Boogie Woogie Piano
How to Play Boogie Woogie Piano Boogie Woogie Piano will boost your piano technique. Give it a try today! Hello there, Jack Marshall here from the London Contemporary School of Piano. Thank you for joining me today as we dive into how to play boogie woogie piano. This lesson is tailored for beginners, so…
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Complete Guide to playing “Fairytale of New York”
How to play Fairytale of New York on the Piano. Irish Music at its finest? Or is the dark angel of Christmas Songs. Hi, Brian Hughes here from the London Contemporary School of Piano! In this tutorial, I'll guide you through the intricacies of playing Fairytale of New York on the piano, breaking down…
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How to use suspended chords
Mastering Sus Chords on the Piano: Unlocking Harmonic Richness Instructor: Tom Donald | London Contemporary School of Piano Introduction: Explore the Power of Sus Chords Hello, it's Tom Donald from the London Contemporary School of Piano! In this tutorial, we’re diving into the magical world of sus chords. These chords create tension and…
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How to play pop music on the piano
Mastering Pop Music on the Piano: A Comprehensive Guide to Chords, Groove, and Melody Integration Playing pop music on the piano isn't just about knowing the notes; it’s about capturing the soul and feel of the song. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced player, understanding how to properly use chords, groove, and melody…
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Playing Double Octaves on the Piano with the Right Techniques
Mastering Double Octaves on the Piano: Techniques, Tips, and Fun Improvisation A fun way to practice your scales and technique! Hello, piano enthusiasts! It's Tom Donald from the London Contemporary School of Piano. Today, I'm excited to show you how to play double octaves on the piano using the correct techniques. We'll not only…
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Cait’s Piano Survival Kit : Unlocking The Power of C
My piano survival kit consists of materials that I refer to if I feel a bit lost or I don't know what to practice. Keep it close and use it any time – there is absolutely no need to feel stuck, ever again!
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Cait’s Piano Survival Kit – Part 1
My piano survival kit consists of materials that I refer to if I feel a bit lost or I don't know what to practice. This can be kept and used at any time – there is absolutely no need to feel stuck, ever again!
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How to Practice Piano Without Practicing
We've all experienced the grind of the daily commute, often time spent curled and tensed up, gripping phones, waiting for claustrophobic journeys to end.
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Practicing Piano Challenges and Rewards
Why Practising Piano is Both Challenging and Rewarding Why Practising Piano is Both Challenging and Rewarding Overcoming Common Challenges in Piano Practice Technique, style, coordination, sight-reading, fluency, harmony, rhythm, articulation… These are the most common challenges a pianist faces while practicing. Ultimately, these are the tools that a musician needs to develop to reach proficiency…
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Playing Music You Love
Finding Joy in Piano Practice: Playing What You Love Understanding the True Goal of Piano Practice What is the goal of reading a book, if not to access and enjoy the meanings conveyed by it? The same principle applies to music: the ultimate aim should be to play the music you love, not just…
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How to Improvise the Blues Masterclass with Alberto Ferro
How to Improvise the Blues with Alberto Ferro Since joining our school in 2017, Alberto L Ferro has become one of London's most sought-after piano teachers, often booked out weeks in advance. His gentle and disarming approach, combined with an incredible skill for breaking down concepts, has made a huge impact on our…
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Practice Piano Efficiently – Part 4
How to Practice Piano Efficiently and Enjoy the Process The Difference Between Playing and Practicing Every time we sit at the piano, we engage in two distinct activities: playing for the sheer joy of music, and practicing to improve our skills. While it's tempting to just play and get lost in the music, effective…
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Practice Makes Perfect Myth
Piano Practice: Myths, Perfection, and the True Goal Piano Practice: Myths, Perfection, and the True Goal Debunking the Myths of Piano Practice There are several myths surrounding the idea of piano practice, and in this article, we will focus on debunking a common misconception. While myths often contain a hint of truth, they can mislead…
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The Mindless Practice Repetition Myth
The Art of Effective Piano Practice: Searching, Not Repeating The Art of Effective Piano Practice: Searching, Not Repeating Breaking the Myth: Repetition in Piano Practice We often believe that boredom and mechanical repetition are necessary parts of proficient piano practice. However, nothing could be further from the truth! While it's true that we may hear…
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Debunking Myths About Piano Practice
Debunking Myths About Piano Practice: How to Master the Art with Patience and Joy There are several myths surrounding the idea of practice, and in this series of posts, I will attempt to debunk a few of them. As with any myth, there is always a kernel of truth hidden within. The distinction…
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Music : A Matter of Taste
Your taste is the best teacher that ever existed in culinary art; and music, by the way! It tells you what music you like to play and how to play it. Actually, it tells you how not to play it. It does this constantly, every time you sit at the instrument. It’s that little voice…
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The Psychology of Piano Playing
The Psychology of Piano Playing: How Your Mind and Fingers Work Together Playing the piano involves much more than just finger movements and technique. It's a complex interaction between your mind and your hands, each speaking a different language yet working in harmony to create beautiful music. In this article, we explore the psychology…
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How to build stronger more independent fingers
Mastering Finger Independence on the Piano: Essential Exercises with Siwan Rhys Here is another fantastic video from one of our star piano coaches, Siwan Rhys. Over the last week, we’ve shared some incredible piano techniques and tricks, but it's crucial to return to the fundamentals. Finger independence is the cornerstone of exceptional piano…
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10 Best Elton John Albums
John Lewis’ 2018 Christmas advert inspired me to review all of Elton’s 30 albums and list the 10 best ones including my reasons why. Elton’s career began in the late 60’s. In the 70’s, he released an astounding 12 albums, 6 of which made it into my 10 Favourites list. In 1971, Elton John amazingly…
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All of the major and minor chords in 10 minutes!
Today I'm doing something rather crazy. I am going to teach you all the chords in just 10 minutes. Let's get started!
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How to play blues piano
In this blues piano riffs tutorial Tom Donald will show you easy blues piano licks and tricks when learning how to play 12 bar blues on piano.
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How to Play 7th Chords on the Piano
How to play 7th chords. The most confusing chords for many music students Major, Minor, and Dominant 7th Chords Finally Explained! Today's video on 7th Dissonance covers an area that even many experienced musicians often mix up. This is one aspect of piano harmony that really trips people up. Many students, despite playing piano their…
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The chords of the major scale : Essential Piano Chords
Chords of the Major Scale Made Easy Expert tips to fuel your inner musical genius Find The Essential Piano Chords of Western Music In this video tutorial below, Pianist/Composer Tom Donald reveals the seven essential chords from the major scale that form the foundation of Western music. He explains how these chords are…
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Jazz Piano Tips and Hacks with Perfect 4ths and Quartal
Jazz Piano Tips with Quartal Voicings: Perfect Fourth Intervals Imagine you could sound like Herbie Hancock just by mastering one of the best jazz piano hacks! Our quartal voicing tutorial will teach you how to play jazz piano chords and improvise with 4th chords. Learning how to improvise jazz piano doesn’t have to be…